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Maximo BVA

Business Value Assessment for your Maximo implementation. What is your Return on your Maximo investment?

The Amosa Team has developed a very comprehensive model for a Business Value Assessment for Asset Management.


In our Business Value Assessment we create a learning organization based on the Japanese Model of continuous improvement. We focus on the areas that are an immediate issue for the organization and we focus on the areas that are farthest away from the industry best practices. With over 25 years of experience our team has seen many different organizations and different success factors. With this knowledge we support our customers to implement the best value practices they are able to cope with.


Areas of the Business Value Assessment


We aim to bring our customers in the best in class category of Asset Management. This means we focus on implementing a program that has a maintenance budget between 1,5 - 2,0 % of the Replacement Value and a technical uptime of > 85%. Best in Class in the refinery industry demand even a technical uptime of > 97,5% at the same cost level


  1. Does your organization has a complete and accurate Asset Register

    1. What are the processes of maintaining the Asset Register

    2. Do you have a Change Control Board

    3. Do you make an assessment of the Assets against the strategic business drivers

    4. Do you make an assessment of the Asset cost and Asset Riks

  2. Does your organisation has a strategic Asset Value program

    1. What is the Value performance of each of the Assets

    2. What is the Cost of each to the Assets

    3. What is the Risk of each of the Assets

  3. Work Order best practices

    1. Comparison between corrective, preventive and performance based work orders

    2. What work orders are closed on time

    3. What is the % first time right of solving corrective maintenance


This model, and we just presented a fraction of the areas we have in focus, supports an organization to demonstrate where they are and what is possible.


The result of the BVA study is an improvement plan that is organizationally and financially signed off by the responsible managers, including a realistic investment budget. Our 6-Sigma team supports the organization to implement the best practices and focuses on realizing the identified savings. 


Reporting consist of a project report and timeline, a monthly executive report and a weekly operational report. With the agile approach we are able to adapt to changes in the organization and keep the customer on track for this project.


The results will ultimately be implemented in Maximo to enable a structured continuation of the improved way of working in Asset Management.


For specific Asset Management best practices we use the business evaluation program, which is developed by the Institute of Asset Management (IAM)


Talk to us via our contact form to start your improvement process

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